Resources for Families

FGBRI offers information and helpful resources about early intervention and caregiver coaching.  Please explore this list of available resources to help meet your family’s needs.


Video Illustrations

A Family’s Story: Virtual Home Visits for Grayson’s Family (3:17)

The pandemic arrives and Grayson’s parents, Niki and Matt and their four boys, face a total upheaval of their typical schedule and routines.  They tell their story to other parents to help them understand the value of mobile coaching.  While they were not sure initially about using virtual services, they found the value of staying connected and coaching important and adaptable to their ever-changing lives. 

Families Talk About the Toy Bag (2:00)

Brandon’s parents discuss the benefits of using their own toys and materials for Brandon’s play, rather than toys brought in by an early intervention provider.

A Parent Talks about Iowa’s Early ACCESS Program (3:46)

A parent discusses the features of early intervention that have been so helpful to her family.

A Family Guide to Early ACCESS (6:53)

This video was created with families in mind and describes what Early ACCESS services look like using Family Guided Routines Based Intervention (FGRBI) and Caregiver Coaching.